Q1. You wanna dance??????????

Q2. Well, who has been blanked out( a very easy one.)????????

Q3. Identify the Logo. Why this company is in news so much?????

Q4. Well, the guy on the note is quite popular. What about the one who is not on the note. A sitter.

Q5. This time not a Techie guy. Are you intrested in economics?????
Please reply your answers in comments.
1.Patrick Swayze
2.Shashi Tharoor
3.Ben Bernanke
5.Paul Krugman
2.Shashi Tharoor
3.Prometric,the agency that'll conduct the online CAT examination
4.Ben Bernake
5.Paul Krugman
2. Shashi Tharoor
2)Shashi tharoor
4) bernanke
2. Shashi Tharoor
4. Ben Bernanke
5. Paul Krugman
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1 Patrick Swayze of 'Dirty Dancing' movie.
Q1- Patrick Swayze of 'Dirty Dancing' fame..
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