Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Quiz 18

Q1. Identify the person on the TIME cover.

## Gianni Versace and the one who murdered him is in the inset. It is one of the TIME covers of 1997.

Q2. Identify the pretty gal with US Prez.

## Michelle Salahi. The other is Tariq Salahi. These tow gatecrashed in the Obama-Manmohan Singh dinner.

Q3. Identify the logo. I think so that each nation has to deal with this Organization.

## IMF

Q4. Not an connect this time. Identify the advertisement.

## Colgate.

Q5. A sitter again. Identify the composer.

## Ilaiyaraja. Very famous music composer. His latest Paa has also been great.

Please reply your answers in comments.
Answers in a week.


Raman Sallaria said...

1. Gianni Versace and Andrew Cunanan (murderer) 1997 Time Magazine.
2. Micheale and Tareq Salahi- Obama's CBS dinner crasher
3.IMF logo

Unknown said...

1. Gianni Versace
2.Micheala Salahi[WHITEHOUSE]
3.Amnesty International
4.Kwality Walls

Bhavadharani said...


2. Michaele Salehi


4. Colgate ad (Don't forget to brush)

5. Illayaraja


Unknown said...

1. gianni versace
2. Michaele Salahi
3. imf
4. colgate
5. illaiyaraja

Unknown said...

2)Michaele salahi, who gatecrashed into obama's party along with her husband.!

5) Ilayaraja, music composer

Kaushik said...

1. Gianni Versace

2. Michaele salahi

3. International Monetary Fund

4. Colgate

5. Ilayaraja

Shuleo said...

1) Gianni Versace
2) Michaele Salahi, the gatecrasher to Obama banguet
5)Illaya Raja

Unknown said...

1.Gianni Versace
2. Michelle Salahi
5. Ilayaraja