Sunday, August 30, 2009

Quiz on World War II

Hello Friends, We have first time come up with a special subject Quiz. This is on World War 2. Hope you people like it.

Q1. What is the significance of the stone.

Q2. Identify.

Q3. What was there in it????

Q4. What Role he played in the WW II???( Doesn't seem to be a soldier.)

Q5. All the roads lead to???

Q6. Say Cheeeeeeezzzzz!!!!!!

Q7. What is the significance of this "thing" shown in the pic???

Q8. Ohhh!!! What Happened?????

Q9. This one seems to be fit. Identify.

Q10. Identify. A sitter.

Q11. Identify the site. What happened here?????

Q12. A sitter to end. Identify.

Please give us your reply about the questions and please submit your answers in comments.


Murthy said...

8) Bismarck ?

manjith said...

2. D D Eisenhower
3. Zyklon B cannisters
5. Aushwitz
6. Mussolini after being rescued by Otto Skorzeny
7. first plane that could be used for sea travel as well?
8. sinking of the Bismarck?
12. Rommel.


Unknown said... where adolf hitler was born

Unknown said...

ans-5:Concentration Camp
ans-8:Kamikaze sucide attack on US naval ship
ans-9:Bismark,the German distroyer
ans:12:Rudoulf Huss